What does it cost to join?
Tier 1
$6000 per annum
Companies with 21 or more employees in NZ
Tier 2
$3600 per annum
Companies with 11-20 employees in NZ
Tier 3
$1800 per annum
Companies with 4-10 employees in NZ
Tier 4
$600 per annum
Companies with less than 4 employees in NZ
International Membership
$2500 per annum
Global manufacturers with 5 or less people working in the Assistive Technology sector in New Zealand. (This membership category does not have voting rights).
Affiliate Membership
Choose appropriate tier 1-4 for cost per annum
A person or company who does not wish to be or is not eligible to be a member but who has an interest in the purpose of the Society may apply to the committee for involvement in the Society as an Affiliate.